I have TOTALLY neglected this blog for a very, very long time. About 4 months, to be exact. But I've recently been inspired by a friend to pick it back up for a number of reasons.....
I've realized that I let my "life" take over and I've gotten sucked into things that don't bring me a lot of joy. In fact, all that they have brought me is a whole lot of stress and a bunch of head aches (OUCH). So I'm going to get back into the swing of things and start doing some of the things I love to do...music being one of them. Expect this to be updated instead of just sitting here stagnant and I'm also going to start a new blog that will be more "life" oriented, that way my "life" doesn't overshadow the purpose of this blog...which really is to just give my two cents about all things music. I'll continue to give my honest opinion on anything that I write about and you can feel free to post back, even if you don't agree and you think I'm full of crappola. It's possible, you know. I am not perfect, even though I did have the best hair in the dining hall in college. : )
BTW - if you want to check out my other blog, it's called "Back to One" (the address is http://back-2-1.blogspot.com/). I had it up a while ago but deleted it because it just wasn't working for me. But now, I think I need to do some writing to get stuff out of my head and to help figure stuff out. So feel free to pop over there and take a look and respond back as much as you like.
Thanks for stopping by!